I have a similar story as to the one posted here: I have a 1990 Beretta GTZ with a Quad-4. The Quad-4 is nothing but trouble, when it breaks. My car exhibited the same annoying and un-ignorable hesitation and misfiring. For months I tried to fix the problem. I have found several things to work. First I tried new plugs and that worked for several weeks. Then the trouble resurfaced. I took it to the dealer, and they said to replace the coil cover. That lasted a good year, and recently the problem resurfaced once again. I took it to another shop, and the hooked the car to an "IV" type device to clean the injection, intake and what ever comes next. I witnessed a 25 minute draining of black, crud flow from my exhaust. I saw more build-up ect than I ever thought would fit into an engine of it's size. Finally the car was back on the road, and running like new. I have found that regular use of the 'Slick 50' oil and gas treatment package works well. But the owner MUST always pay close attention to oil. It is common for interior wear of an improperly maintained Q-4 to throw all sorts of rods, and break pistons. I have extreme trouble in finding a mechanic to tackle the jobs that I am unable to do b/c of my fine engine. Who designed it anyway? Why?

Matt Haltiner

Message me at BobHewitt@Misterfixit.com

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